Whether you know precisely what end result you aim for, or you just have a vague notion of what the outcome should be, we’ll start at the beginning and take it step by step.
- 1: NEEDS ASSESSMENTYou may know what you want, but I need to know as well. Obvious really, but an important part of the process. We do not start until I know I can provide the result you need
- 3: PRODUCTIONYour text, design, website or brand is developed following the needs assessment and draft phase. This ensures no work is wasted and you get the result you really need
- 2: Mockup & draftingDigital design, branding, creative writing or web development, all processes start with a series of rough sketches and drafts, these are iterated until approved by you.
- 4: POST PROCESSWhen the job is delivered, we first do a thorough post process to ensure you got what you expected and only then final signing off is done